
Dr. Philip Ovadia

I did everything right – but I was still fat.  For as long as I can remember, I was overweight.

As a child, teenager, a student at medical school, even as a cardiac surgeon.

Yet I grew up in a household that followed the guidelines of the USDA and the Food Pyramid. I was active; I played sports. My parents bought margarine, diet soda, low-fat milk, and avoided sugary cereals. 

Yet, I was always overweight. And I got heavier as I progressed through college and medical school. 

Finally , in 2015, things really changed for me. At a medical conference, I heard Gary Taubes speak. 

This one decision changed my life.  

Today, I am in the best shape of my life. Physically, I have never been fitter or felt better, and I have a mental clarity that I have never experienced before.

How did I do it? 

Tune in to learn more.
