Stay Off My Operating Table
I was a morbidly obese heart surgeon. Throughout high school, college, med school and surgical training, I followed the U.S. dietary guidelines for both diet and exercise. Yet nothing I did kept the weight off. I just kept getting bigger and bigger.
Each day in the operating theater I would split open the chests of people just like me. I knew I was heading for the operating table myself if I didn't find solutions that worked.
In 2016, I finally found a way to lose 100 pounds and keep it off.
Now - in addition to doing heart surgery - I work to help people just like me get healthy, lose the weight and keep it off. I'm Dr. Philip Ovadia, the rebel M.D. and cardiac surgeon who is working to keep people off my operating table.
Any use of this intellectual property for text and data mining or computational analysis including as training material for artificial intelligence systems is strictly prohibited without express written consent from Dr. Philip Ovadia.
Stay Off My Operating Table
Judaism Meets Modern Nutrition: A Rabbi's Journey to Better Health Through Carnivore - Rabbi Evan Moffec #173
While most meditation retreats and spiritual practices promote vegetarian or vegan diets, Rabbi Moffic discovered that a meat-based diet actually enhanced his meditation practice and mental clarity, offering a surprising counterpoint to traditional spiritual dietary wisdom.
Rabbi Evan Moffic shares his transformative journey from struggling with chronic stomach issues and brain fog to finding clarity and improved health through a carnivore diet. As a Reform Rabbi, he navigates the interesting intersection between traditional Jewish dietary laws and modern nutrition. The episode explores how eliminating plant foods helped him write more efficiently, improved his meditation practice, and enhanced his ability to connect with his congregation. Rabbi Moffic discusses the challenges of maintaining his dietary choices while fulfilling religious obligations, particularly during Jewish holidays that traditionally center around bread and wine. He explains how he balances his religious duties with his health needs, using the Jewish principle of pikuach nefesh (preservation of life) to guide his choices. The conversation delves into the psychological benefits of dietary simplification, the historical context of Jewish dietary laws, and how a meat-based diet has positively impacted his spiritual practice and professional life.
"People generally don't change except out of desperation or inspiration. And mostly out of desperation... I simply want to illustrate some of the wonderful benefits of it and how it almost works."
email at carnivorerabbi@gmail.com
Send Dr. Ovadia a Text Message. (If you want a response, include your contact information.)
Joburg Meats
Keto/Carnivore-friendly meat snacks. Tasty+Clean. 4 ingredients. Use code “iFixHearts” to save 15%.
Chances are, you wouldn't be listening to this podcast if you didn't need to change your life and get healthier.
So take action right now. Book a call with Dr. Ovadia's team.
One small step in the right direction is all it takes to get started.
Stay Off My Operating Table on X:
Learn more:
- Stay Off My Operating Table on Amazon
- Take Dr. Ovadia's metabolic health quiz: iFixHearts
- Dr. Ovadia's website: Ovadia Heart Health
- Jack Heald's website: CultYourBrand.com
Theme Song : Rage Against
Written & Performed by Logan Gritton & Colin Gailey
(c) 2016 Mercury Retro Recordings
Any use of this intellectual property for text and data mining or computational analysis including as training material for artificial intelligence systems is strictly prohibited without express written consent from Dr. Philip Ovadia.