Stay Off My Operating Table
I was a morbidly obese heart surgeon. Throughout high school, college, med school and surgical training, I followed the U.S. dietary guidelines for both diet and exercise. Yet nothing I did kept the weight off. I just kept getting bigger and bigger.
Each day in the operating theater I would split open the chests of people just like me. I knew I was heading for the operating table myself if I didn't find solutions that worked.
In 2016, I finally found a way to lose 100 pounds and keep it off.
Now - in addition to doing heart surgery - I work to help people just like me get healthy, lose the weight and keep it off. I'm Dr. Philip Ovadia, the rebel M.D. and cardiac surgeon who is working to keep people off my operating table.
Any use of this intellectual property for text and data mining or computational analysis including as training material for artificial intelligence systems is strictly prohibited without express written consent from Dr. Philip Ovadia.
Stay Off My Operating Table
The Ziglar Way to Better Health: Replace Bad Habits with Good Ones - Tom Ziglar #177
Tom Ziglar, CEO of Ziglar Inc. and son of legendary motivator Zig Ziglar, shares his personal health journey and the mindset principles that led to his success. After years of carrying extra weight, Tom made a simple commitment to 30 minutes of daily movement. While exercise alone didn't lead to weight loss, reading Dr. Ovadia's book helped him understand the missing piece - proper nutrition with adequate healthy fats. By applying the Ziglar performance formula of Attitude x Effort x Skill = Performance to his health journey, Tom lost 25 pounds and reduced his waist size from 47.5 to 39 inches. He emphasizes that lasting change requires feeding both the mind (through continuous learning) and the mitochondria (through proper nutrition). Tom's approach shows that sustainable health transformation comes from replacing bad habits with good ones while maintaining the right mindset through daily education and inspiration.
"What you feed your mind determines your appetite. And that's literal and figuratively." - Tom Ziglar
Featured Links: https://ziglar.com - Learn more about Tom's work and coaching https://stayoffmyoperatingtable.com - Dr. Ovadia's book and resources
Send Dr. Ovadia a Text Message. (If you want a response, include your contact information.)
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Chances are, you wouldn't be listening to this podcast if you didn't need to change your life and get healthier.
So take action right now. Book a call with Dr. Ovadia's team.
One small step in the right direction is all it takes to get started.
Stay Off My Operating Table on X:
Learn more:
- Stay Off My Operating Table on Amazon
- Take Dr. Ovadia's metabolic health quiz: iFixHearts
- Dr. Ovadia's website: Ovadia Heart Health
- Jack Heald's website: CultYourBrand.com
Theme Song : Rage Against
Written & Performed by Logan Gritton & Colin Gailey
(c) 2016 Mercury Retro Recordings
Any use of this intellectual property for text and data mining or computational analysis including as training material for artificial intelligence systems is strictly prohibited without express written consent from Dr. Philip Ovadia.